
Krista Parker

Krista has 16 years of experience as a professional photographer, 11 of those spent running a high-profile, boutique photography studio in Los Angeles, CA.

In the future Krista will be offering private photography sessions, photo documentation for birthday parties and fun mini sessions during events! Check back for more information once the play cafe is open!


Monday……………………… 9:00am-2:30pm
Tuesday…………………………………….. CLOSED
Wednesday……………… 9:00am-2:30pm
Thursday…………………… 9:00am-2:30pm
Friday…………………………. 9:00am-2:30pm
                                         Private Parties
Saturday………………….. 9:00am-12:30pm
                                         Private Parties
Sunday…………………………. Private Parties

Hide and Seek – A Play Boutique